Same Day Crowns
We know your time is valuable and you probably would like to spend less of that precious time at the dental office. We are pleased to offer same day crown services using state-of-the-art CAD software. Digital images replace the physical impression used in traditional procedures. This is a superior method of creating beautiful, custom designed, durable restorations while you wait, so you can get back to what matters most.

BPA Free Dental Sealants
Applying sealants to your child’s teeth is a quick and painless way to reduce the likelihood of decay. Applying sealants is also much less expensive than treating cavities with traditional fillings. For many years we have been aware of the risks associated with BPA and we can assure our patients that our sealants are 100% BPA free.

We are pleased to offer a number of choices to fit everyone’s lifestyle. Traditional whitening includes custom made trays and day or night whitening options. We also offer on-the-go whitening which consists of ten disposable trays that you simply wear and toss away. All of our whitening solutions have fluoride so sensitivity is kept to a minimum.

Silent Night
At least 80 million Americans snore. Most commonly obstructive sleep apnea is the cause and can keep you from having a restful sleep, as well as those around you. Silent Night is a custom made oral appliance that works by slightly opening the bite and shifting the lower jaw forward to open the airway. This appliance fits entirely inside the mouth and is easy to wear. In many cases it eliminates the need for a CPAP machine.

Bite Guards
If you wake up with headaches or a stiff tired jaw or if your teeth are sensitive to cold drinks, you may be clenching or grinding your teeth during sleep. Not only is this painful, it can wear down or even break the teeth. A custom made bite guard will reduce the risk of wear on your existing healthy teeth, as well as relieve the head pain and joint discomfort. We make bite guards that have full tooth coverage as well as small splints that only cover the front teeth. Come in for a consultation and we can talk through the best options for you.

Intraoral Camera
We understand that "seeing is believing", and you will be able to see what we see with our highly advanced intraoral camera. This state-of-the-art camera instantly and easily detects decay, plaque and tartar. It is the first camera of it's kind and uses LED wavelength technology to reveal gingival inflammation.